Nestlé Health Science is dedicated to prioritizing optimal nutrition for patients, supporting them in maintaining a high quality of life. Leveraging over 50 years of experience in medical nutrition, we introduce our nature inspired Compleat® range, specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of paediatric and adult patients requiring enteral nutrition or/and oral nutritional supplementation.
Compleat® provides reliable and complete nutritional solutions made with familiar food ingredients and plant protein options to increase patient satisfaction while meeting their nutritional needs and dietary preferences.
A journey inspired by nature
We are dedicated to paving the path for patients who rely on enteral nutrition (EN) or oral nutritional supplementation (ONS), and their caregivers, to achieve the best possible quality of life on their unique journey.
At Nestlé Health Science, we recognise the evolving preferences of patients and caregivers. They are increasingly seeking familiar food ingredients and plant-based alternatives to traditional standard formulas. This shift is propelled by an understanding of the advantages of familar food ingredients and preferences, a desire to minimize potential intolerances sometimes associated with standard formulas, and a quest to reintroduce a sense of normalcy to their dietary regimens.
We understand this growing demand and we are committed to putting patients' health and preferences at the centre of our offering. That's why we have combined our expertise in nutrition and scientific innovation with the richness of familiar food ingredients and plant protein options to provide nature inspired medical nutrition for patients.

Innovative technology
13 peer-reviewed scientific publications have documented not only the tolerability and safety but also the improved gastrointestinal outcomes achieved with Compleat® solutions.
Safe &
well tolerated1-6,9-13
Reduced constipation and vomiting
Improved overall GI symptoms with increased gut microbiota diversity & supported beneficial changes in stool type
Improved feed tolerance
Improved patient &
quality of life (QoL)4,8-9
Significant improvement in patient & caregiver QoL due to family inclusion & mealtime engagement
In medically complex paediatric population, patients attained successful weight gain upon achieving their calorie and protein objectives.
Innovating while caring

Compleat®: Better for the planet
In our commitment to help create an ecosustainable future, we are drawing inspiration
from nature. We craft medical nutrition solutions that benefit patients while caring for the environment.
Compleat® exemplifies this pledge, offering a variety of nutritional options containing plant
To minimize our ecological impact, we prioritise reducing greenhouse gas emissions by producing Compleat®
formulas in a factory that uses 100% renewable energy – 62% wind energy and 38% Certified Guarantees of Origin –
contributing to a cleaner planet.

All our enteral feeding formulas come in SmartFlex® packaging designed to be recyclable.
Conscious of our materials, we’ve designed our SmartFlex® bottles with recyclable materials. This is only one step further in our journey to improve the sustainability of our Compleat® SmartFlex® product: from 2024 one will make our SmartFlex® packaging lighter by decreasing the weight of plastic per bottle.

Compleat® makes a difference in patients’ lives.
Allysa, gold medal Paratriathlete and World Champion, chooses Compleat® to fullfill her nutritional goals. Having experienced prior issues with nutrition, she successfully switched to tube feeding. Now, Compleat® empowers her everyday.
One more story comes from a mother of a boy diagnosed with autism & ARFID*. Switching to the
SmartFlex® bottle feeding gave her son more freedom during his school days. The innovative SimpLink™
technique brought feeding time for him from 1 hour to less than 10 minutes.
*Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
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- Gallagher K, et al. Blenderized enteral nutrition diet study: feasibility, clinical, and microbiome outcomes of providing blenderized feeds through a gastric tube in a medically complex pediatric population. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018;42(6):1046-1060.
- Minor G, et al. Meeting the Nutritional Needs of the Enterally-Fed Child with Neurological Impairment. J Clin Nutr Diet. 2020, 6(4:3)
- Dipasquale V, et al. Real food in enteral nutrition for chronically ill children: Overview and practical clinical cases. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2022, 38(5), 831-835.
- Siddiqui A, et al. Benefit of Including Food-Derived Ingredients in Enteral Nutrition Formulas: Practical Experience from Clinical Cases. J Neonatol Clin Pediatr. 2021, 8: 066.
- Thornton-Wood C, et al. Tolerance and Acceptability of a New Paediatric Enteral Tube Feeding Formula Containing Ingredients Derived From Food: A Multicentre Trial (In The United Kingdom). J Neonatol Clin Pediatr. 2020, 050.
- O’Connor G, et al. Intermittent bolus versus continuous feeding in children receiving an enteral formula with food derived ingredients: A national multicentre retrospective study. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2023 Apr;54:175-179.
- O’Connor G, et al. Monitor gastrointestinal tolerance in children who have switched to an “enteral formula with food-derived ingredients”: A national, multicenter retrospective chart review (RICIMIX study). Nutr Clin Pract. 2021, 1-6.
- Dipasquale V, et al.Tube Feeding in Neurologically Disabled Children: Hot Topics and New Directions. Nutrients. 2022, 14, 3831.
- Phillips G. Patient and carer experience of blended diet via gastrostomy: a qualitative study. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2019;32(3), 391-399.
- Steel C, et al. Understanding the use and tolerance of a pediatric and an adult commercial blenderized enteral formula through real-world data. Nutr Clin Pract. 2023 Apr;38(2):449-457.
- Samela K, et al. Transition to a Tube Feeding Formula With Real Food Ingredients in Pediatric Patients With Intestinal Failure. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Apr;32(2):277-81.
- Desai A, et al. Clinical Benefits of Real Food Tube Feeding Formulas Compared to Standard Tube Feeding Formulas in Post-Acute Care Pediatric Patients. Presented at NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, October 12-15, 2022. Data on file.