Products to enhance, maintain and improve health across the spectrum of life.

Peptamen Junior ® Family represent evidence-based, nutritionally complete, 100 % partially hydrolyzed whey-based enteral formulae to provide optimal digestion, absorption and tolerance to paediatric patients with impaired gastrointestinal (GI) function , aged 1 to 13 years.
Peptamen® Junior: High performance delivery of nutrients for GI-compromised children
- Protein levels adapted to children
- High quality hydrolysed 100% whey protein, a unique type of protein fraction, which enhances nutrient absorption and GI function
- A healthy source of fat including medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are easily absorbed and improve overall tolerance
Each product of the Peptamen® Junior range is specifically designed to meet patients nutritional needs, in terms of format, composition and energy levels, corresponding to specific disease and clinical status conditions
The main products of the Peptamen Junior ® Family can be summarized as follow:
- Peptamen Junior ® , in both liquid and powder formats, formulated for optimal digestion, absorption and tolerance of tube feeding or oral supplementation in paediatric patients.
- Peptamen Junior ® Advance calorically dense formulae to address similar nutritional needs in a smaller volume, such as during shortened feeding schedules, elevated energy needs, and/or when fluid or volume restriction is required.
- Peptamen Junior ® 1.5 (ONS), same calorically dense formulae as Peptamen Junior ® Advance with milder hydrolysis level to comply with improved taste suitable for oral feeding.
- Peptamen Junior ® PHGG formulated for optimal digestion, absorption and tolerance of tube feeding or oral supplementation in paediatric patients, especially addressing impaired bowel functions.
- Peptamen Junior® 0.6 formulated for optimal digestion, absorption and tolerance of tube feeding or oral supplementation in paediatric patients with identified reduced energy needs.