Nestlé Health Science Statement on Demand for Infant Formula for Cow’s Milk and Multiple Food Allergies
A recent recall of a competitor’s products has caused challenges for many parents. Our thoughts go out to families affected by the incidents and recall. We know that it is distressing for parents when they cannot find their current formula.
We understand that this situation will have a wide-ranging impact and we are currently working hard to be part of a solution to help parents and their children.
We are collaborating with healthcare professionals and institutions to assure continued supply of our infant formula for cow’s milk and multiple food allergies: Althéra, Alfaré, Alfamino and Alfamino Jr. Our teams are doing everything possible to increase production of these products to help meet this extraordinary, unexpected demand.
For information related to these products, or quality or nutrition information regarding our products, please contact the AAA customer service line in your country:
US: Home | Nestlé Health Science USA (nestlehealthscience.us) 1-800-422-2752
Mexico: https://www.nestlehealthscience.com.mx/que-es-nhsc 55 5267 3308
UK: http://www.nestlehealthscience.co.uk/ 00800 68874846
Spain: http://www.nestlehealthscience.es 900109621
Australia: Nestlé Health Science | Nutritional Therapy (nestlehealthscience.com.au) 1800671628
Any decisions regarding feeding your child should be made in consultation with your healthcare professional.