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We see opportunities to improve health through nutrition everywhere. Our expertise areas are rooted in science and cover every facet of health: prevention, maintenance, and treatment.
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Active lifestyle nutrition
Medical nutrition
We have a wide range of brands that use the power of nutrition to help people live their healthiest lives, supporting every life stage from pediatrics to healthy aging.
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Built on decades of innovation and dedication, Nestlé Health Science was founded by people passionate about the power of nutrition. From newborn babies to the most senior citizens, we provide nutrition and nourishment where it's needed most.
Our story
Healthy lives, healthy planet
A team of experts
My Cancer, "My Cancer, My Nutrition Provides Support Through Credible Informati…
Improving Nutrition Outcomes in Patients through Digital Solutions
Behind the scenes at a farm in the U.S. that’s using climate smart farming prac…
We are a global group of people who share a passion for empowering healthier lives through nutrition. The difference that we make for consumers, patients, and caregivers is what motivates us.
Our purpose
Our ways of working
We forge new partnerships, invest in companies with similar goals to us, and acquire companies that complement our global portfolio.
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The latest news and events from Nestlé Health Science.
Join us at the Nestlé Health Science booth at ECCO 2025 in Berlin, February 19t…
Nestlé Health Science Launches Comprehensive GLP-1 Nutrition Support Platform i…
Seven-country mild cognitive impairment trial underway
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